How To Read Coworkers’ or Clients’ Minds
Want to know how to read your coworkers’ / clients’ minds?
Ask them what you want to know.
For real - it’s really that simple.
Why are we so afraid to ask questions? We rack our brains, fill in blanks and make assumptions.
But here’s the thing…
As long as you’re not asking something too personal - most people are happy to give further insight about what they’re thinking.
Here are 3 real life scenarios and tips on how to ask someone for their thoughts:
Did the objective change on a project and now you’re confused about how to proceed?
Try saying, “When the project began, we agreed our goal was to _______. Now, it seems like we’re aiming toward __________. Do I have that right? What can you share more about what led to the change in direction?”
2. Did they give you feedback that came from left field?
You could say, “Oh, interesting. I wouldn’t have guessed you felt that way and I’m glad you shared that with me. What’s informing your perspective?”
3. Sensing a colleague is really passionate about a topic and is having trouble letting something go?
Try saying, “I can tell this topic matters a lot to you. What makes it so important to you and what should we know before a decision is made?”
Once you take the time to ask - and truly listen - you can gather so much helpful information.
You’ll make your colleagues feel heard, you’ll better understand where they’re coming from and you’ll no longer be guessing the thoughts behind their actions.
Give this a try and let me know how it works for you.