4 Ways to Keep Your Optimism During a Job Search

Heuw. Job searching can be an emotional roller coaster, can’t it?

It can have you refreshing your inbox obsessively waiting for the “We’d like to meet with you” email. (Eeeeeeeee!!!)

And taking all the wind out of your sails with the “thanks, but no thanks…” email. (Whyyyyyyyyyy?!)

This roller coaster is draining, amiright?

Here are 4 ways to keep your optimism during a job search:

  1. Focus on your input, not the output - while you can’t control the outcome of your interviews, you can control your input. Practice, prepare and put yourself out there regularly and opportunities will come your way.

  2. Remember, most often, it’s not personal - it’s so easy to take rejection personally, but what if the CEO’s niece got the offer? Or the hiring manager is looking for a certain personality type to stand up to an abrasive colleague in another department and that’s just not your style? Often times, the rejection less about you and more about the hiring company. 

  3. If you are given constructive feedback, use that as an opportunity to grow - did you receive feedback from your last interview as to why you didn’t get the offer? These insights can be pure gold and can help you close any skill / experience related gaps in your next interview.

  4. Give yourself grace and celebrate each and every step in the right direction - job searching can be a long haul and each positive action along the way deserves to be rewarded.

Danielle Leigh

Danielle Leigh is a career & leadership coach who helps ambitious women advance their career, build a life they love and be home in time for family dinners.


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